Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reddwine's Rantings

Today the rant is politics and the animals that play that game that they play.

What happened to respect and manners. I learned all that I know today on what I learned in kindergarten. Dont run in the halls, put your toys up when youre finished, and dont eat the glue.

Well, its obvious by some of the uglyness towards another opinion other than their own....that they didnt read the rules because they were behind the school building sniffing that glue.

Its not only the politicians that turn into animals, its the participants also. Insults, name calling and just general..they spit green pea soup and their head spins.

I'm on a forum and am really shocked at the way some people behave behind the anonymity of a computer.

Manners should follow you everywhere you go.... even online. If people would stick to the topic instead of responding to someone elses responce, we could get something done. Then it becomes personal when someones feelings are hurt... and the fowl, poison that some of these people spew is barbaric. Thats when they turn into animals. The anger they spit is unbelievable.

How can that be? And why do they do it? I just dont understand disrespect. And what in the HELL are they so angry about? be continued.

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